Sunday, May 15, 2011


If you have kids, you'll know that they have this uncanny sixth sense about knowing when they don't have your 100% undivided attention anymore. They can be playing, doing their thing and ignoring you completely, but the minute you try to have a little 'me time', even just to update your Facebook status or go to the bathroom, they're on you like a groupie to a rock star.

When I became a Mom, I accepted this. But I am also a singer, and I've also accepted that too. My relationship with music never goes away, no matter how many times I've told it to:

Me: 'Not now, music, it's not a good time.'
Music: 'Aw, come on. You know you want to.'
Me: 'But the kids need me.'
Music: 'The kids can take care of themselves!'
Me: 'No they can't.'
Music: 'Yes they can.'
Me: 'They really can't.'
Music: 'Okay, fine. I'll wait.'

And it always does.

Roland and I are trying to promote our new album, Won't Give Up. We called it that because it took us all of 13 years to make it, and we never gave up. We've got music to make and dreams to fulfill - so giving up just isn't an option. Music has had to take its place on the back burner many times, but kids won't accept that, and don't deserve that either.

Playing a gig is the only time we can actually make uninterrupted music - but the price I pay for being unavailable is always high. Extra hugs and smooches are in order, as well as a considerable amount of whining and complaining, which translates into: 'What were you doing that was more important than me for the past hour?!' That's a tough one to answer...

Promoting the album takes time and attention to detail, but so does child-rearing.

Getting our album heard is our goal, but so is having happy, healthy, well-balanced children.

Okay, happy medium, where the heck are you?!

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