In exactly one week, Roland and I will be hauling ourselves, our kids and our multitude of suitcases back to Holland. After an amazing 4 1/2 months in the US, it's time to go back home.
This trip was all about exploration, performance and promotion, and I think we managed to achieve all three of those objectives. We explored avenues for our music and developed a new sound with our good friend Gene, the result of which will be the acoustic EP, due for release this Christmas!
We performed till we were weak in the knees in and around Orcas Island, in new venues and in familiar ones. We reached new people with our music, and touched their hearts.
We released the album in June and are already being broadcast on various national radio, featured on blogs and working with folks on music liscencing.
So all in all, it's been a very productive few months.
It still remains a sort of mystery, as to whether or not our music and words are reaching the ears of everyone we want it to. All we can do is continue the 'mission' of sharing 'Won't Give Up as well as writing lots of new music, or breathing new life into older songs we've written (I think my little lyric book has about 40 songs in it!) Either way, we've got lots of music still in us, just dying to come out!
The next week will be a whirlwind of performing, organizing, celebrating and saying goodbye. This place is our home away from home, and it always will be, but I am looking forward to getting back to Europe and trying to get our music on the airwaves over there! Curious what the folks on 'the Continent' will think...
So while we're here, we'll treasure every minute of the sea, the air, the people and the vibe. It's a very very good one, you see. One we'll miss like crazy when we're gone. But hey, I figure, it's all good stuff to write music about.
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